OpenPro Application Guide Accounts Receivables (AR)




Chapter 12: Sales Reps


The Sales Reps selection enables you to enter sales representatives in Accounts Receivable. Otherwise, you are required to specify on each invoice what sales representative made the sale. You must also state for each customer what sales representative is primarily responsible for that customer.

Entering Sales Representatives

In order to enter a sales rep you need to go to the Rules Setup section from the main menu and click on Employee/Rep Add. This will take you to a screen that resembles the following:

Once you have entered reps you are able to edit them as well. To do this go to Rules Setup and then click on Employees/Reps and you will be taken to the following screen:

Once you enter in your search information and click on the blue “Search” button. You will be taken to a screen that resembles the following:

From here click the green Edit Employee button and you will be taken to the screen in which you previously entered all of their default information:

Make all necessary changes, and once you are through click on the “Save” button and the changes that you have made to that rep will be saved to the system.