The Customer Find Screen allows you to search for specific customer(s) based on defined filters. This screen allows you to enter all of the information that you know about the customer you would like to view. Once you click “submit”, the screen will take you to that customer. If you are unsure of any information pertaining to the customer, you also have the option to simply click “submit” and you will be taken to a window listing ALL of your customers in alphabetical name order.
After clicking Search, you will see a list of all the customers based on your filters as below:
This Screen has various tabs as described below:
Edit: The Edit tab allows you to amend the customer details
History: The History tab allows you to view a record of all unpaid and paid customers and associated invoice dates.
Past Inv: The invoices Find tab allows you to search for all invoices created in the system
Payment History: The Payment History tab allows you to search for all cash receipts created in the system based on defined dates and open status.
Add Receivables The Add Receivables tab allows you to add new current asset account in your General Ledger summarizing the amount of money owed to your business by those to whom you have sold goods or services.
Ship To The Ship to tab allows you to enter customer shipping details using standard template.
You can also create a new customer by clicking on Make New Customer
Last Name: This is the Customer's surname/last name
City: This is the City the customer is based
First Name: This is the customer's first name
State: This is the state the customer is based in
Address: This is the postal address of the customer
Zip Code: This is the customer zip code
Company : This is the name of the company being created as a customer
Country Code: This is customer's country code
E-Mail Address: This is the customer's official email address
Customer #: This is a unique number given to the customer usually auto-filled
Tax ID #: This is the customer's tax code
Date of Birth: This is the customer's date of birth
Customer Type: This is the customer classification based on various customer category types
Phone #: This is the customer landline number
Branch: This is the division the customer is created
Cell Number: This is the customer mobile number
Ship to: This is the shipping address for goods
Status: This describes whether the customer is active, inactive or put on credit hold