The Vendor Rebates Screen allows you add a new rebate program or view a listing of existing vendor rebates that allows vendors to give contracts based on negotiated terms (purchase value/quantity).
Vendor Name: This is the vendor name
Vendor #: This is the unique vendor number
Rebate Code: This is the rebate/discount unique code
Alternate Vendor: This is an alternative vendor who the rebate applies
Buyer Name: This is the name of the buying company
Buyer Repnum: This is the buyers representative unique number
Buyer Type: Describes whether buyer is in-house or other defined buyers
Rebate Start Date: Defines when the rebate program starts
Rebate End Date: Defines when the rebate program ends
Rebate Days: The number of days the rebate program is active
Advertising: This is the cost advertising
Advertising Type: This is the frequency of advertising
Buyer Option: Describes whether food or retail buyer