OpenPro Application Guide Accounts Receivables (AR)
Chapter 9: Ship-Via
The Ship-Via selection lets you maintain a list of standard codes for the carriers you use to ship your merchandise (e.g. A/F for shipping Air Freight). The purpose is to minimize keystrokes needed when entering invoices.
If you have specified (in Control Information) that you do not use ship-via information, then this chapter does not apply to you.
Assigning a Ship-Via Code
You can optionally assign a default ship-via code to a customer by clicking the “Edit” button next to a chosen customer in the Customer Find customer list and choosing a “Ship Type” from the pull down menu.
Entering Ship-Via Codes
To enter or edit a ship-via code, go to Rules Setup Maintenance Shipping rates.
The following screen appears:
Note: Shipper ID’s can be added and changed in the Shipping Carriers menu under Rules Setup > Maintenance (the information entered in the Carrier and Price Type fields will appear as the “Shipper Id”).
You can choose Add New Shipper Rate to create a new ship-via code, or you can choose Edit to change an existing code. If you choose to make a new code, the following screen appears:
The ship-via codes entered here are also used in the Sales Orders package for entering orders.