OpenPro Application Guide Accounts Receivables (AR)




Chapter 8: Ship-To Addresses


The Ship-to addresses selection enables you to enter ship-to addresses for customers in the Customer file.

A ship-to address is an address, different from the customer’s billing address, to which customer orders are delivered or at which a service is performed. These addresses are used in entering invoices and (if interfaced to Order Entry) in entering orders.

There may be an unlimited number of ship-to addresses for the same customer. You do not have to enter a ship-to address here before you can enter an invoice for that address. Storing them here beforehand is merely a convenience to reduce typing and ensure consistency.

Adding a Ship-To Address

To add or edit a ship-to address, click on “Customer Find” under the Receivables menu. Search for a specific customer, or bring up a list of all existing customers by clicking “Submit” without entering any search criteria. This will bring you to the following screen:

Click on the icon at the very right of the screen to edit ship locations. A window similar to the following will appear:

You have the option of changing the entries by clicking “Edit”, or you can enter a new ship-to entry by clicking “Make a new Ship to Location”.

This will bring up the following screen:

Enter in all of the available information and click on the “Add” button when completed.