OpenPro Install Instructions - RedHat Linux


OpenPro Installation Instructions - RedHat Linux

  1. Install Operating System - this has been assumed to be done. Apply all the latest patches from Redhat.
  2. Install the Web Server, either IIS for Windows or Apache version 2 for Unix or Windows.
  3. Install and Configure PHP and IONCUBE - PHP version 4 or 5 series for the web server. If purchased object and not source this has instructions on IONCUBE.
  4. Database Server - either MYSQL version 4 or 5, MSSQL, ORACLE or IBM DB2.
  5. Install OpenPro programs.
  6. Register OpenPro programs.
  7. Test and Setup of OpenPro.

1. Install Operating System

  • Assumptions – the operating system is installed, configured and setup to host pages. Also all the latest Redhat patches have been installed.

  • Add a user openpro on the server with a temporary password of erpsoftware.
  • If all the patches are installed on the bottom right hand side you have a checkmark next to the date and time.
  • This manual will walk you through the rest of the steps to install OpenPro on a Redhat server.

2. Web Server

  • Redhat does not install apache server as part of the standard startup. Open up a terminal window. Login as openpro. Then go in as root:
“su –“
“chkconfig httpd on”
“service httpd start”
  • This will start the http web server for apache.
  • Unix, depending on the version, will install the web server.
  • If not, Unix Apache 2 installation instructions are located at the following location:

3. Installation of PHP and IONCUBE

  • Installation of php is part of the Redhat installation process, but you need to install ioncube. Refer:
  • Download linux x86 tar.gz file into the /home/openpro folder.

  • Then unzip the ioncube loaders, using the following command below.
  • This will create a folder ioncube with the programs loaded.

  • Looking at the README file you need to update the php.ini file with the following command (see below). Php.ini file needs to be updated with the ioncube loader information.
  • Php.ini file is located in the ./etc/php.ini, to edit it use this command from Terminal
vi ./etc/php.ini

Add the following line:

zend_extension = /usr/openpro/ioncube/

  • Ensure register_globals is set to On. Magic quotes needs to be On Save.
  1. register_globals = On
  2. register_argc_argv = On
  3. open_basedir = no value
  4. short_open_tag = On
  5. safe_mode = Off

PHP Version > 4.1.x or 5.2x
Most servers are already setup with the latest PHP version. To learn more, //

php.ini Settings
Every PHP install has a php.ini file. The php.ini file is the main configuration file for your PHP install. Remember to restart your web server every time you update your php.ini file. There are two ways to verify that you have the following set in your php.ini file. The first way is to locate the php.ini file on your server, open the file, and search on the following variables. Change accordingly. The second way is to create a phpinfo() file on your web server and view it via any web browser. The second method is for more advanced users. Make sure your php.ini file has the following variables set.

  • register_globals = On
  • register_argc_argv = On
  • open_basedir = no value
  • short_open_tag = On
  • safe_mode = Off

Zend vs. IonCube
Your ModernBill is available in two encoded versions, Zend and IonCube. The only difference between the two is that Zend must be installed on your server before you can use the Zend encoded version, whereas the IonCube version is pre- installed with your ModernBill system.

CURL is required for credit card processing online with ecommerce

  • cURL with SSL enabled either complied in PHP or available via the CLI (command line interface).
  • To learn more about cURL, please view the cURL Setup document.


  • Change directory to the Apache folder /conf.
cd /etc/httpd/conf
vi httpd.conf
  • Search for DirectoryIndex and add index.php to the end of that line.

  • Find the line that holds the DirectoryIndex options. Each index is separated by a space.
  • Make sure that both index.html and index.php are listed, and index.html precedes index.php. Examples of httpd.conf are in the apache folder on the CD.

4. Database Installation Process mysql

  • MySQL installation instructions are located at:
  • For RedHat Linux mysql is copied to the hard disk drive but not installed. You can also run YUM to install mysql.

  • To install:
rpm –I mysql-server-5.23.58-2.3.i386.rpm
  • Then after the installation is complete, start the service:
“service mysqld start”
  • Then you get a message mysql started ok.

4. Database Installation Process mysql

  • Install the Mysql program located in the mysql folder under linux and windows.
  • Our database is in backup format located on the cd under \openpro\database folder.
  • After the installation you need to create the OPENDEMO database.

Step 1 - Create a new database for your OpenPro ERP system

You can create your database by using a MySQL GUI such as PHPMyAdmin or you can use the command line as follows. Here is the MySQL command:

mysqladmin -u root -h localhost -p create opendemo

More MySQL Command Line Help - Adding New Users to MySQL (add link)
Openpro has a detailed mysql manual that describes most common mysql commands.

Step 2 – Restore the demo database from the OpenPro cd to your new created database

  • Then in the OpenPro\mysql folder on the cd is and
  • Opendemo is our demo database with demo company and information loaded.
  • Openempty is like opendemo but no customers, etc file are loaded.

Restore using mysql
If you have to re-build your database from scratch, you can easily restore the mysqldump file by using the mysql command. This method is usually used to recreate or rebuild the database from scratch. Here's how you would restore your opendemo.sql file to the OpenPro database:

mysql -u openpro -p support openpro < openpdemo.sql

Easy isn't it? Here's the general format you would follow:

mysql -u [username] -p [password] [database_to_restore] < [backupfile]

Then after creating and restoring the database, you can then login to the OpenPro system.

5. OpenPro Installation Process

  • Extract the file from the cd openpro folder, into the hpptd folder that you want to use for the lookup.
  • We are locating the OpenPro php source into a new folder openpro under your root html documents folders of your web server.
  • Redhat web server documents are located in the following folder /var/www/html so you need to know how your web server is setup and configured.
  • Make a directory openpro under the html folder and move the openpro program into that folder. The programs can be unzipped into the folder using ftp or other forms of transferring.
  • Once the programs and unzipped into the folder, then you need to make some folders shareable to the web server.
  • From the OpenPro top level directory enter in the following commands.
  • These folders are used for document imaging, image storage, Manufacturing MRP processing and Assist Import processing.
chmod –R 777 documents
chmod –R 777 images
chmod –R 777 includes/mrp
chmod –R 777 includes/import
  • Configure system with OpenPro
  • To configure the database interface with OpenPro, vi sqlinfo.php file in the openpro folder:
$sqldb="database name";
/ used for tracking down login issues on some browsers.
//$traceon = true ;
// used for displaying full sql errors,
// 1 is on (normally during testing implemenation ) 0 is off (production will only show sql
error 2)
$display_sql_errors = 1;
// showing the location of the bar code generator
// showing the location of the haylafax folder for new incoming faxes.
$fax_folder = "./fax/";
// used for the chatting process..
// Set these vatiables for batch processing
$batch_base_url = 'http://localhost/openpro/'; // web root of
Openpro install
$batch_user_login="Admin"; // login
$batch_password="openpro"; // password
// company

Change the databaseuser and databasepassword to root and blank until you setup a mysql user and password:

sqltype = MySQL, MsSQL, DB2, ORACLE

depending on the purchase product.

  • Test connection to your database using sql commands.
  • E-commerce configuration files are In the ecommerce folder
//POS Folder
  • This outlines the location of files for e-commerce system, the company id and the store id.

6. OpenPro Registration Installation Process

Fill out the registration form, fax to OpenPro and you will receive an email back with the registration information.

Open up your file manager/explorer and run the program register.php from the OpenPro folder: http://localhost/openpro/register.php

Fill out the form as per the attached sheet that came with the software.
If everything was filled out correctly it will say Product Key is now Valid on the top of the form.

7. OpenPro test and Setup Process

From your browser, go to http://localhost/openpro/, it should take you to the following page.

If any errors show up make a note of the error and send to supportop

To check that everything is working ok do the following command:


This will print out the configuration files, verify them and compare with the installation procedures.

The demo system you can login as admin with the password of admin Then go to rules setup and maintain the system rules. See detailed setup instructions in the setup manual.