The Open Purchase Orders Sum screen screen allows you to view the sum of all PO line. This allows you to view POs that still have balances.

You can search for open line items/materials based on vendors reference number, company name, PO status, Material Status,Order Start date, Order End date, Require Start date and Require End date.

Req #: This is the requisition number

PO #: This is the PO number

Order date: This is the date when items were ordered

Required Date: This is the date when customer requires goods

Vend ref: This is the vendor number

Company: This is the company name

Buyer: This is the customer number

Order Total: This is the total value of items ordered

Shipping: This is the shipping cost

Partnum#: These are the item parts unique numbers

Description: These are item names

Unit price: This is the item unit price

Order Qty: This is the amount ordered from vendor

Received Qty: This is the amount of items received from vendor

Open Balance: This is the amount pending payment

Video on how to enter a purchase order

Video on how to enter receiving for a purchase order