The [[|Open Purchase Orders Sum]] screen screen allows you to view the sum of all PO line. This allows you to view POs that still have balances. You can search for open line items/materials based on vendors reference number, company name, PO status, Material Status,Order Start date, Order End date, Require Start date and Require End date. {{:programs:po_openpoitemssum01.png?nolink|}} Req #: This is the requisition number PO #: This is the PO number Order date: This is the date when items were ordered Required Date: This is the date when customer requires goods Vend ref: This is the vendor number Company: This is the company name Buyer: This is the customer number Order Total: This is the total value of items ordered Shipping: This is the shipping cost Partnum#: These are the item parts unique numbers Description: These are item names Unit price: This is the item unit price Order Qty: This is the amount ordered from vendor Received Qty: This is the amount of items received from vendor Open Balance: This is the amount pending payment Video on how to enter a purchase order {{ youtube>Xp5JD6CngvU?large }}\\ Video on how to enter receiving for a purchase order {{ youtube>vHhjQiNBsfI?large }}\\