The [[|Vendors]] Screen allows you to create or find a person or company from whom you purchase the goods and services used in your business.You can search vendors based on different filters such as Vendor number, Company, Last and First Name, Postal Address, E-Mail Address, Social Security number, Phone Number, Cell Number, City, State, Zip Code, Country,Vendor Group, Vendor Type, Buyer ID and Status. {{:programs:ap_vendors.png?nolink|}} After clicking search based on your filters, you will see a listing of all the vendors as below: {{:programs:ap_vendors02.png?nolink|}} There are various Tabs on the result screen and each of the functions as below: **Edit**: The [[|History]] tab allows you to update the records of various vendors created. **Vouchers**: The [[|Vouchers]] tab allows you to add internal numbers assigned to invoices received from vendors used to control and verify payment **History**: The [[|Vouchers History]] tab allows you to view a listing of all vouchers created whether paid or unpaid based on your preferences. **Templates** The [[|Templates]] tab makes it easier to handle payables that occur periodically by creating standard templates. Examples include: rent, utilities, telephone, loan payments, and insurance premiums. **RMA** The [[|RMA]] tab allows you to create vendor return material authorization (VRMA) to allow you to return product received from a vendor. You can also create a new vendor by clicking on **Make a new Vendor HERE** functionality. {{:programs:ap_vendors_create.png?nolink|}} Vendor #: This is the vendors unique number Company: This is the vendor company Last Name: This is vendors last name First Name: This is vendors first name Address: This is the vendors postal/physical address E-Mail Address: This is the vendors email address Social Security #: This is the vendors social security number Phone Number: This is the vendors landline Cell Number: This is the vendors mobile number City: This is the city the vendor is based State: This is the State the vendor is based Zip Code: This is the vendors location zip code Country: This is the country the vendor is based Vendor Group: This is the vendor classification based on company categorization Vendor Type: This describes whether the vendor is permanent or temporary Buyer ID: This is the unique buyers ID Status: This describes whether the vendor is active or active Here is a video on how to enter in vendor invoices for payment. {{ youtube>U8QTHsouV1I?large }}\\