The Inventory Find Screen allows you to find any inventory held in your warehouse. You can base your search based on various filters such as Item Name, Part number, Bin, Pallet, Lot/Serial, Size, Quantity, Customer, Customer ship to, Sales Order, Vendor #, Min Price, Max price, Manufacturer number, Min Weight, Max Weight, Status, Inventory Class and Item Category.

You can also check/uncheck whether to include Stock on hand, non inventory items, Labor Billables and category descriptors in your search.

You can add a new inventory item by clicking Add New Item Here as shown below

By clicking Search, you are able to see a list of all your inventory based on defined filters as below

The Edit Item tab allows you to drill down on the item details

The Inv Adj tab allows you to view all transactions related to a specific item.

The INV tab allows you to create an invoice based on selected item.

The Item Availability tab allows you to check for item availability in the warehouse.

The BOM tab allows you to view the bill of materials used for selected items.

Item Name: This is the item name/description

Part #: This is the unique part numbers

Weight: This is the weight of the items

On-Hand Available: This is the number of available physical items

Bin: This is a small warehouse location where your inventory is stored

ACTIONS: Describes further actions you can undertake regarding your items