The RMA Add screen allows you to to create a new return material authorization. You will need to select the customer first who is returning an item

Once you have selected the customer based on your search above, click the RMA tab and screen below appears that allows you to select/search for the product being returned

Click the Show tab to populate the return details

Return Reason: This is the reason why the customer returned the item

Return Disposition: This is the action to be taken after return

Ship To: This is where the item will be moved to after return

Notes: This is additional information on the return

Vendor: This is a searchable field for the vendor the item is to be returned to

Vendor RMA: This is a unique Vendor code for returned items

Vendor Tracking #: Helps in tracking progress of items returned to vendors especially for repair or replacement

Vendor Return Date: Date item was shipped to vendor

Return Date: Date vendor returned item to the company

Depending on the business rules, the line items may need to be verfied and checked off and saved before credit memo is created.