The Work Case View screen allows you to manage different work case types under contacts\workflow details\workflow detail. This assumes you have the users logins and reps created under Rules Setup, have departments setup under Rules Setup and you know how long each step should take in the process.

Incident ID: This is a unique incident identification number

Work case type Id: This is a unique work case identification number

Workflow: This is the workflow name

From_System: Shows the system where workflow was initiated.

User_ID: This is the name of the user responsible for setting up the workflow.

Department: This is the users department

From_Person: This is the user name

From_Phone: This is the user phone number

From_Email: This is the user email address

Context: This is the context under which case was raised.

Date: This is the date when case was raised

Time: This is the time when case was raised

Approved: Describes if case has been approved or not

Completed: Describes if case has been approved or not

Completed Date: This is the case resolution date

Completed Time: This is the case resolution time